27 Oct

10 Benefits of Outsourcing Social Media Management

10 Benefits of Outsourcing Social Media Management

When you ‘outsource’ your social media management, this means you entrust someone, usually a marketing agency, to run your business’s social media for you. Although you might feel reluctant to give complete control to someone else, this comes with many benefits, not only to your social media presence but also to your business generally.

We take a look at the top 10 benefits of outsourcing social media management, in no particular order…

1. Save Time

The primary reason for businesses outsourcing their social media management is that they simply don’t have the time. You might recognise the importance of having a social presence but can’t dedicate the time it takes to plan and create posts.

2. Save Money

In comparison to hiring someone in-house to manage your social media, outsourcing to an agency is a more cost-effective option. You’ll save money on training, social media management software, and of course salary!

3. Gain a Fresh Outlook

When you keep everything in-house, your social media can become repetitive and boring. An agency will provide a fresh outlook on your business, thinking of more creative ways to promote your products and services.

4. Work With Experts

Generally, agency staff will have a high level of expertise in social media marketing and will be able to provide valuable advice on how to improve your social presence, whether you’re looking to grow your following or increase engagement.

5. Improve Analytics

It can be difficult to keep track of how many followers you’re gaining, what posts are performing the best, and how much social traffic you’re getting to your website, but an agency can do all this for you, condensing the information into a report.

6. Build Your Brand

By creating branded social posts and ensuring your brand identity is consistent across social channels, an agency can help you build brand recognition. Social media allows you to expand your reach into new audiences, ensuring more people encounter your brand.

7. Access Premium Tools

There’s a wide variety of social media management software on the market right now, offering useful features such as advanced post scheduling, detailed insights, and more. Agencies will make use of this to provide you with the best possible social media experience.

8. Improve Results

Although better results aren’t guaranteed when you outsource, they are likely. Agencies will be able to analyse results and suggest improvements, helping to get your business social media back on track and performing well.

9. Increase ROI

It’s important for businesses to see a return on their investment when they outsource, and agencies recognise this. With the right budget and campaign, you can generate more and better leads for your business through social media.

10. Everything in One Place

Many agencies (like Dolia) offer more than just social media management, often having in-house graphic designers, copywriters, and a website development team to help with any of your marketing projects. So, when you need something, it’s easier and more cost-effective to ask your existing agency than communicate with multiple different ones.

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