27 Jul

Are you ICO Certified?

Are you ICO Certified?

Many businesses may not have realised this, but you need to have ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) certification if you process personal data.

We don't want you to get caught out, so we've put together a quick and simple guide to getting ICO certified!


What is ICO certification?

Every business, organisation, or sole trader who processes personal information needs to pay an annual data protection fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office, unless they are exempt. Once paid, your company details will appear on the data protection public register and you will receive a certificate of registration.

Why do I need it?

You must pay the data protection fee to comply with UK GDPR obligations. If you do not pay the required fee, you may be fined by the ICO.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your fee will depend on the size and turnover of your business. With three fee tiers ranging from £40 to £2,900, you could owe a lot of money. However, most organisations will only have to pay £40 or £60. Charities and small occupational pension schemes pay £40, regardless of their size and turnover.

Do I need to pay?

Yes, it is more than likely. But, if you use CCTV for domestic purposes (to monitor your property, for example), you are exempt from paying a fee under data protection law. Take the ICO’s self-assessment quiz if you think you may be exempt from paying the fee.

How do I pay?

Fill in the form on the ICO website, providing company details such as your address, turnover, and number of employees, as well as your payment details. You can call the ICO helpline (0303 123 1113) if you need help with the process.

I’ve just paid – what next?

Congratulations, you’re now an ICO certified data controller! The ICO recommends that you look through their checklist to ensure that your organisation is compliant with GDPR and all other data protection law. Otherwise, you’re good to go.

Take a look at the Government Guidance or visit the ICO website to find out more.

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