06 Oct

5 things that encourage a #happyheads workplace at Dolia

5 things that encourage a #happyheads workplace at Dolia

This year at Dolia we have been busy planning and discussing lots of ideas to help raise awareness of Mental Health in the workplace for our #happyheads campaign.

For our team here at Dolia, we know that it’s really important for us to ensure we have a positive #happyheads environment within our own workplace, whether we’re all in the office together or working remotely.

In this blog, we’ve highlighted 5 things that really help and encourage a #happyheads workplace at Dolia, which may spark some inspiration and ideas for your team.

Team Walks

Exercise is one of the top recommendations to help with improving your mental health, as it’s been proven to increase mental alertness, energy and a positive mood, decreasing stress and anxiety. Dolia’s HQ is based in the heart of beautiful countryside which is the ideal location for a walk. The team regularly meet up at the office to make full use of the public footpaths leading to some incredible views (oh, and the pub!).

Office Walks5

Team Lunches

We love having lunch as a team, whether it’s in the office or out and about (often at Nandos!). Taking the time to eat together is a great way to have a catch-up and check-in with everyone on a less formal basis; this creates a relaxed environment for everyone to socialise and have a laugh, which always helps alleviate any stress (and that’s even before the food!)

Daily Check-ins

We have daily check-ins to make sure that each member of the team is set for the day, to see if they are in need of any support and how they are doing within themselves. Checking in on your team members ensures that no one is struggling and alone - if this goes under the radar this could negatively impact your team's mental health. Showing each team member that they are valued and supported is so important... It’s good to talk!

Daily Checkin Team


The team enjoys taking part in some quick fire rounds of some general knowledge games. Playing games allows the team to unwind and has us laughing and joking together. A game of ‘Stop the Bus’ or ‘Herd Immunity’ elevates everyone's mood, creates positivity and helps us feel a little more refreshed for the rest of the day.

Learning & Progression

It's very important to feel as though you are progressing in your career and bringing value to the team you’re part of. At Dolia, we allow our team the time to learn new skills, ensuring that we feel accomplished and positive about our work. These sessions give us space to feel inspired, be creative, solve problems together and step out of our comfort zones. Enabling learning opportunities empowers your team and allows them to grow - not just in the workplace, but in themselves too.

We’ll continue to keep you up to date with all of our #happyheads news and activities, with the aim to encourage others to adopt a #happyheads workplace!

We’d love to find out what you do at your workplace to encourage a #happyheads environment… drop us a message at to tell us!

"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller

Find out more about #happyheads.

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